Hands On:
1: Creating a Homepage
1.1 Go to your program and click Public Settings.
1.2 Click on Website.
1.3 Under Action click Edit.
1.4 Scroll toward the bottom of the page.
1.5 Customize the content that will appear on your homepage. Below it is configured to show my 3 programs. I did this by typing out the names of the programs and hyperlinking them to their Direct to Program URLs. Click Save and Back when done.
1.6 Click the URL Key for the page you would like to visit.
1.7 You are now looking at your homepage.
2: Confirmation Page
2.1 Go to your program and click Round Settings and then Confirmation Page.
2.2 Click Insert variable to obtain the applicant input data your desire to fill in the Confirmation Text.
2.3 Click Save.
3: Confirmation Email
3.1 Go to your program and click on Round Settings and then click on Confirmation Emails.
3.2 Click Add Email.
3.3 Give your confirmation email a Name. Note: If you would like to override the email address to which to send this confirmation to you can do so and even click on insert variable to retrieve information submitted by applicant. Fill in a subject and Message. When done click Save and then click Back to List.
4: Enable Guest Access
4.1 Go to your program and click on Program Settings and go to Applicant Settings.
4.2 Make any optional selections you desire. To enable guest access you will need to make sure Allow Guest Registration is selected at the bottom. Click Save and Back.
5: User Profile
5.1 Go to your program and click on Applicants on the left and then click on Add Applicant.
5.2 Fill out the required fields: Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Company Name and Create a Password. Click Register when done.
5.4 After registering an Applicant you will go to the Applications tab where you can add a new application on behalf of the applicant you just registered, if needed.
5.5 Click on the Send Email tab if you would like to send an email to the applicant you registered.
5.6 Click on the Email History tab if you would like to view a history of all the emails sent to the applicant you registered.
5.7 Click on the Tools tab if you would like to send the applicant an Auto-Generated Email Password, Manually Set and Email Password to the applicant, or Impersonate the applicant to be logged out of admin portal and logged in as the user themselves.
5.8 Click on the User Profile tab to update the applicant's information, if needed.
5.9 You can Search for applicants by clicking Applicants and then click Search. Check the box for Include users without any Applications and click Search.
5.10 Now you will see a list of all the registered applicants, even if they have not made any form submissions.