Hands On: Configure Invoice Pull Data
Step 1: Configure Python Script
1.1 In your program to to Submissions and then click Reports.
1.2 Click Add Report.
1.3 For the purpose of our example we are going to name our new report Invoices. Name your report and click Save.
1.4 Add any necessary conditions you might have and when ready click on the Advanced tab.
1.5 Check the box to Enable Json Export.
1.6 Click Manage.
1.7 Click Insert Boilerplate.
1.8 Configure boilerplate to removing any generic items from the script that are not related to invoices.
1.9 Click Insert Variable.
1.10 Search Invoice.
1.11 Check the top checkbox to check all and then click Insert Selected.
1.12 Give your OpenWater values matching variable names.
1.13 Click Save and Run Test.
1.14 Open the download file.
1.15 Copy the Script.
Step 2: Validate Json
2.1 Go to the website www.jsonlint.com and paste your script. Next click Validate Json.
2.2 Review Json data to confirm it is the data you are expecting.
Step 3: Configure Code
3.1 Update the three constants you see in the PullData.cs file. The DOMAIN_NAME should be your domain name. The LICENSE_KEY should be obtained from OpenWater support directly. The REPORT_ID is obtained from your report's URL.
3.2 Start a new instance of your program. Once your program has ran copy the PullInvoice URL.
3.2 Paste the URL in your web browser's address bar. Here you can confirm the data being sent to your third party application.